Electrochemical degradation of malachite green using nanoporous carbon paste electrode

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Malachite green is a dye which is often used in the textile industry which potentially generates hazardous compound to the environment. Electrochemical degradation is a method that can decipher malachite green into harmless compounds. In this study, nanoporous carbon paste used as the anode and silver wire as the cathode. A number of the sample solution with a certain concentration containing supporting electrolyte inserted into a electrolysis cell, certain potential and current is passed through the electrode into the solution. During the degradation process, the solution stirred by a magnetic stirrer. The results showed that the optimum state of degradation at 10 volts potential with an electrolyte solution of 0.1 M NaCl, pH does not affect the results of degradation. The optimum time to degrade 50?ppm malachite green is 30 to 40 minutes to produce a harmless compound that can be indicated from the impairment COD that up to 95,05%. Results of UV-Vis spectra showed that malachite green has been degraded completely.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication5th International Conference and Workshop on Basic and Applied Sciences, ICOWOBAS 2015
EditorsMoh. Yasin, Sulaiman W. Harun
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735413641
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2016
Event5th International Conference and Workshop on Basic and Applied Sciences, ICOWOBAS 2015 - Surabaya, Indonesia
Duration: 16 Oct 201517 Oct 2015

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference5th International Conference and Workshop on Basic and Applied Sciences, ICOWOBAS 2015


  • Malachite green
  • and nanophorouscarbon paste electrodes
  • electrochemical degradation


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