Effect of polypropylene plastic residue on histopathological changes of the small intestine in Rattus norvegicus

Lita Rakhma Yustinasari, Aulia Puspa Amaris, Chairul Anwar, Joko Legowo, Hani Plumeriastuti, Nove Hidayati, Agus Widodo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of heating in palm oil with polypropylene plastic and the histopathological changes of rat small intestine. Eighteen rats(Rattusnorvegicus) divided into three groups. P0 (84 g palm oil) as a control, P1 (84 g palm oil with 2.3 g polypropylene plastic), and P2 (84 g palm oil with 6.81 g polypropylene plastic) were treated for 5 weeks. The histopathological changes of the small intestine were scored. Rats treated with polypropylene plastic displayed significantly different (p<0.05) histopathological changes of the small intestine compared with the control. It was concluded that polypropylene plastic residue exposure caused a significant damages on the small intestine in rats.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-45
Number of pages3
JournalIndian Veterinary Journal
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Histopathology
  • Palm oil
  • Polypropylene plastic
  • Rattusnorvegicus
  • Small intestine


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