Effect of diabetes mellitus on renal and audiology toxicities in patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis

Soedarsono Soedarsono, Tutik Kusmiati, Ariani Permatasari

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Background: People with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a higher risk for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). DR-TB patients with comorbidity of DM were also vulnerable to experience adverse effects of DR-TB treatment. Management of DR-TB with comorbidity of DM is complicated. Also, DM may affect TB response treatment and cause more adverse effects. Objectives: This study was conducted on DR pulmonary TB (DR-PTB) patients to evaluate the effect of DM on adverse effects, especially renal function impairment and audiology impairment, as well as treatment outcomes due to treatment regimens containing kanamycin. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from 2016 to 2017 at Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Patients who received DR-TB regimens containing kanamycin were included in this study. HbA1c >7 was used to define DM. The adverse effects in this study were impaired renal function (increased serum creatinine) and audiology impairment. Results: Patients who experienced increased serum creatinine were 28/82 (34.1%) withDMand 20/120 (16.7%) without DM, audiology impairment were 22/82 (26.8%) with DM and 19/120 (15.8%) without DM, and unfavorable outcome were 37/82 (45%) with DM and 46/120 (38%) without DM. Moreover, DM is associated with adverse effects and treatment outcomes. Patients with DM have a risk ratio (RR) for increased serum creatinine, audiology impairment, and unfavorable outcome with RR 2.049 (95% CI: 1.242 – 3.379), RR 1.694 (95% CI: 0.982 – 2.925), and RR 1.177 (95% CI: 0.847 – 1.636), respectively. Conclusions: Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of adverse effects, increased serum creatinine, and audiology impairment. Also, it increases the risk of unfavorable treatment outcomes in patients with DR-PTBwhoreceive DR-TB regimens containing kanamycin.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere99260
JournalArchives of Clinical Infectious Diseases
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Adverse Effects
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis


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