Effect of bovine dried amniotic membranes as prosthesis of abdominal fascial defect closure reviewed from the level of density collagen type i and III in rattus novergicus wistar strain

Ahmad Jazlaniardi Primaditya Wardhana, Fendy Matulatan, Marjono Dwi Wibowo, Edwin Danardono

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Collagen types I and III is an important component of abdominal fascia and aponeurosis. Dried amniotic membrane is rich in the extracellular matrix, dominated by types I and III collagen, which has the potential to improve the wound healing process. This study aimed to analyze the differences in density of types I and III collagen in abdominal fascia defects closed with and without bovine dried amniotic membranes. This was an experimental research design using Rattus norvegicus divided into two groups. The first group was directly covered with a skin flap closure, while the second group used bovine dried amniotic membrane. Evaluation of type I and III collagen density was assessed using an immunohistochemical examination and a collagen density score, the Pathological Visual Score. In the evaluation of type I collagen density, the score in the control group was 1 (68.8%), 0 (25%), and 3 (6.3%). Whereas in the treatment group was a score of 2 (50%), a score of 1 (43.8%), and a score of 0 (6.3%). The density of type III collagen showed that the scores in the control group were a score of 1 (50%), a score of 0 (31.3%), and a score of 2 (18.8%). Meanwhile, the treatment group obtained a score of 2 (68.8%), a score of 1 (31.3%), and a score of 0 (0%). There was an increase in the density of collagen types I and III in the abdominal fascial defect reconstructed using bovine dried amniotic membrane.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)574-577
Number of pages4
JournalSystematic Reviews in Pharmacy
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Abdominal fascial defect
  • Bovine dried amnion membrane
  • Collagen type III density
  • Collagen type i density


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