Edge irregular reflexive labeling of some tree graphs

Ika Hesti Agustin, Imam Utoyo, Daflk, M. D. Venkatachalam

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Let G be a connected, simple, and undirected graph with a vertex set V(G) and an edge set E(G). Total k-labeling is a function fe from the edge set to the first ke natural number, and a function fv from the vertex set to the non negative even number up to 2kv, where k = max ke, 2kv }. An edge irregular reflexive k labeling of the graph G is the total k-labeling, if for every two different edges x 1 x 2 and x1' x2' of G,wt(x1 x2 ≠ wt(x1' x2' where wt(x1 x2 =fv x1 +fe x1 x2 + fv(x2). The minimum k for graph G which has an edge irregular reflexive k-labelling is called the reflexive edge strength of the graph G, denoted by res(G). In this paper, we determined the exact value of the reflexive edge strength of family trees, namely generalized sub-divided star graph, broom graphs, and double star graph.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012008
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2020
Event3rd International Conference on Current Scenario in Pure and Applied Mathematics, ICCSPAM 2020 - Tamil Nadu, India
Duration: 30 Jan 202031 Jan 2020


  • Edge irregular reexive labeling
  • broom graph
  • double star graph
  • generalized sub-divided star graph
  • reexive edge strength


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