Economic burden of stroke disease: A systematic review

Thinni Nurul Rochmah, Indana Tri Rahmawati, Maznah Dahlui, Wasis Budiarto, Nabilah Bilqis

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

97 Citations (Scopus)


Globally, one of the main causes of non-communicable disease as a cause of death every year is stroke. The objective of this study was to analyze the burden in consequence of stroke. This research used a systematic review method. Furthermore, a search for articles was carried out in June–July 2020. Four databases were used to search articles from 2015 to 2020. Eligible studies were identified, analyzed, and reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The inclusion criteria were prospective cost studies, retrospective cost studies, database analysis, mathematical models, surveys, and COI studies that assess burden of stroke in primary and referral healthcare (hospital-based). The results showed that from four databases, 9270 articles were obtained, and 13 articles were qualified. A total of 9270 articles had the identified search keywords, but only 13 articles met the set criteria for inclusion. The criteria for inclusion were stroke patients, the economic burden of stroke disease based on cost of illness method, which is approximately equal to USD 1809.51–325,108.84 (direct costs 86.2%, and indirect costs 13.8%). Those that used the health expenditure method did not present the total cost; instead, only either direct or indirect cost of health expenditure were reported. For most hospital admissions due to stroke, LOS (length of stay) was the dominant cost. The high economic burden to manage stroke justifies the promotion and preventive efforts by the policymakers and motivates the practice of healthy lifestyles by the people.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7552
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2021


  • Cerebrovascular accident
  • Economic burden of disease
  • Length of stay
  • Stroke


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