Dna barcoding: Study of bananas (musa spp.) wild and cultivars group from east java inferred by rbc l gene sequences

Rojaunnajah Kartika Ainiyah, Verina Wahyunindita, Windi Nur Pratama, Intan Ayu Pratiwi, Edy Setiti Wida Utami, Sucipto Hariyanto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Diversity of local banana wild and cultivars in Indonesia, especially in East Java Province has high with various local names and diverse morphological characteristics. Consortium for the Barcoding of Life (CBoL) has been recommended the rbcL as the plant barcode. The aims of this study were to evaluate genetic diversity and genetic relationship among Musa species i.e. M. balbisiana (BB w) i.e. Pisang Klutuk Wulung; M. acuminata (AA/AAA cv) i.e. Pisang Orlin and Solokoto Brenggolo; and M. paradisiaca (AAB and ABB cv) i.e Pisang Sewu, Susu, and Raja using rbcL plastid barcode loci gene sequences. Six banana specimens were collected from wild habitats and cultivations from four regencies in East Java. In this study, we amplified and sequenced the chloroplast DNA regions (rbcL) of bananas to study sequence analysis to allow a more efficient utilization among different Musa species. The results support used rbcL loci for barcoding of genus Musa. rbcL primer showed good amplification in six banana accessions with the sequence lenght in Musa spp. was 743 bp. However, molecular confirmation using rbcL sequences showed high conservation level (0.830) and low genetic variability. About 520 nucleotides were considered monomorphic (invariable) and 112 sites of DNA sequences were considered as polymorphic which comprised of 100 sites singleton variable and 12 parsimony informative sites. The results clearly showed that the use of these conserved DNA sequences as barcode primer would be an accurate way for species identification and discrimination. Reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree based on the rbcL gene showed that there were two clades, the first clade consisted of M. acuminata (w and cv), M. velutina, and M. ornata and the second clade consisted of M. balbisiana (w) and M. paradisiaca (cv). Our study provides to recommend of the rbcL barcode in Musa spp.. The finding would be applicable in conserved diversity of the banana accessions to be used as basic data for banana conservation management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S7-S13
JournalEcology, Environment and Conservation
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Banana
  • DNA Barcoding
  • Genetic
  • Rbc L


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