
Anti Tuberculosis Drug is a combination of medicine. The First Line drug such as Rifampisin, Pyrazinamid, Etambutolol, INH and Streptomycin and the second line of drug such as Kanamycin, Kapreomycin and Etionamid used for treatment in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Long-term used of Anti Tuberculosis drug may increase the risk of oral candidiasis. Candida spp might increase because of Multi Drug Resistance 1 Receptor (MDR1). Not only Candida albicans found in patients, but also non-Candida albicans such as Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis. This study helped for proper antifungal treatments for Candida infection for each Candida Spp. The purpose of this study is to describe the distribution of Candida Spp in Pulmonary TB treated with Anti-Tuberculosis Drug in TB-DOTS RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. All patient examined by anamnesis, swab on bucal mucosa oral and tongue, incubation in Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Cornmeal Tween 80, Candida species identification with direct microscopic slide culture, glucose farmentated test and CHROM Agar Candida Candida. The distribution of Candida albicans was 83.3% (5 patients) in 40 years old, in female patients, with Anti- Tuberculosis Drug. Candida glabrata distribution was 16.7% (1 patient) over 40 years old, in female patient and with First Line of Anti-Tuberculosis Drug. Distribution of Candida species was mostly Candida albicans followed by Candida glabrata.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3055-3059
Number of pages5
JournalBiochemical and Cellular Archives
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Anti-tuberculosis medicine
  • Candida spp
  • Communicable disease
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis


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