Digitization of KIA Books Using a Human Centered Design Approach to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Rizki Amalia, Yunik Windarti, Uliyatul Laili, Fauziyatun Nisa, Diah Indriani, Lutfi Agus Salim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Maternal and fetal health is one of the assessment indicators the most important level of health in society. However, in fact the death rate for pregnant women in Indonesia is still relatively high as is the case in Indonesia East Java. The causal factors include: namely the limited and lack of health service facilities communication between postpartum and cadres or midwives about condition, resulting in late recognition danger sign of postpartum. Materials and methods: This research was conducted using two approaches, namely quantitative and qualitative or mixed methods and 149 respondents and 26 informants, to reduce MMR in Paciran Primary health care. This study was also carried out to determine the dominant variable that affects mother’s behavior in an effort to reduce MMR in accordance with the existing theory. Results: Post partum Mother’s intention to contribute to the reduction of MMR in this study was influenced by the good factor directly or indirectly. This is indicated by the score p<0.005. The study also shows that it is very important for the health workers to be able to communicate well with individuals and communities. Conclusion: The present study will help to reduce maternal fatalities, and will help to build systems and processes that will allow control the behaviour of the postpartum mother and determine the cause of death as well as its contributing factors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99-103
Number of pages5
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2024


  • Digitalization
  • Health
  • Human centered design
  • Maternal and child book
  • Postpartum mother


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