Development of Kampung Tourism Lawas Maspati as the prominent destination in Surabaya, Indonesia

Upik Dyah Eka Noviyanti, Nur Emma Suriyani, Andy Umardiono, Novianto Edy Suharno, Sri Endah Nur Hidayati

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Kampung Lawas Maspatih is a special village which was inducted as the Tourism Kampung in January 2016, it portrays Surabaya colonial history. This paper aimed to identify and analyze the potentials and obstacles and also formulate the strategies that may be applied to boost the existence of Kampung Tourism Lawas Maspati; so that it can become sustainabile and well-known in the tourism map destination in Surabaya, Indonesia. This research used a qualitative approach and interviews as the primary data collection method. The interviews were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively using a SWOT analysis. The result of the research showed that Kampung Tourism Lawas Maspati has much potential that is ready to be developed. This includes the potential historical and social culture tourism aspects. However, the weakness that serves as the key obstacle, is the low quality of human resources and tourism management. The result of the data analysis showed a new strategy must be developed in Kampung Tourism Lawas Maspati. This strategy should include excellent service training and management as well as foreign language tuition for the community in Kampung Tourism Lawas Maspati as an effort to improve the competence of human resources in the Kampung and promote sustainable tourism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
JournalAfrican Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Development strategy
  • Kampung tourism lawas maspati
  • SWOT
  • Tourist destination


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