
Introduction: Various patient safety training has been developed internationally to further enhance the awareness and knowledge of patient safety for health professionals. However in Indonesia, the existing training is not established based on the needs of health workers. Therefore the study aim was to explore the insights from health workers, Provincial Health Office/City Health Office (PHO/CHO) and professional organizations regarding patient safety training by using the WHO’s framework in designing training. Methods: This study was qualitative research with a cross-sectional design using focus group discussion involved 16 participants from public and private hospitals, CHO/PHO and professional organizations in East Java. Data analysis was performed using thematic analysis to identify coding or themes that emerged from the focus group discussions. Results: Through consensus, the patient safety training were grouped into basic and advanced level training. Program related to effective communication was important topics that need to be prioritized especially from the hospital’s perspective. While from the hospital stakeholders perspective, topics related to building patient safety culture is prioritized. Practice-based learning is considered as better training design instead of knowledge-based. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study succeeded in identifying the needs associated with training in patient safety. There are various viewpoints from health professionals and hospital stakeholders on the criteria of patient safety training for health workers that need to be considered in developing training.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)183-188
Number of pages6
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • Needs assessment
  • Patient safety
  • Training program


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