Determinants of the discriminatory behavior experienced by people living with HIV in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study of the demographic health survey

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Introduction: The discriminatory behavior experienced by People Living With HIV (PLWH) remains an unresolved problem in Indonesia. The aims of this research were to determine the factors associated with the discriminatory behavior experienced by PLWH in Indonesia. Methods: This study used cross-sectional design data by processing secondary data from the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) conducted in 2017. The total sample in this study was 15,413 records obtained via the two-stage stratified cluster sampling technique. The variables in this study were knowledge, information, socioeconomic and demographic details and the discriminatory behavior experienced by PLWH. The instrument refers to IDHS 2017. The data were analyzed using a chi-squared test and multinomial logistic regression. Results: The results obtained show that approximately 78.87% of respondents exhibited discriminatory behavior against PLWH in Indonesia. Respondents who had more knowledge about HIV [RRR: 25.35; CI: 2.85, 225.18] and who had earnings [RRR: 2.15; CI: 1.18, 3.92] were more at risk of discriminatory behavior than others. Respondents who lived in a rural area were less likely to engage in discriminatory behavior against PLWH than those who lived in urban areas [RRR: 0.51; CI: 0.29, 0.91]. Conclusion: An increased understanding of HIV-AIDS and Indonesian people's acceptance of PLWH can occur through the provision of accurate information that is designed to prevent discriminatory behavior against PLWH. The government can consider this problem and further related policies so that PLWH can coexist in society and enjoy the same rights as those living without discrimination.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalOpen AIDS Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • AIDS
  • Behavior
  • Demographic health survey
  • Discriminatory
  • HIV
  • Negative prejudice


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