Detection of Genes on Escherichia coli Producing Extended Spectrum β-lactamase Isolated from the Small Intestine of Ducks in Traditional Markets Surabaya City, Indonesia

Sasqia K.A. Prayudi, Mustofa H. Effendi, Bambang S. Lukiswanto, Reichan L. Az Zah-Ra, Moses I. Benjamin, Shendy C. Kurniawan, Aswin R. Khairullah, Otto S.M. Silaen, Ertika F. Lisnanti, Zein A. Baihaqi, Agus Widodo, Katty H.P. Riwu

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2 Citations (Scopus)


This research aimed to focus on the presence of ESBL-producing E. coli isolated from the small intestine of ducks in several traditional markets in Surabaya as there is still little information regarding cases of ESBL-pro-ducing E. coli in ducks in Indonesia. Samples from the small intestine of ducks were kept on Buffer Peptone Water (BPW) media and then streaked on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMBA) media for isolation testing, while Gram staining and IMViC tests were used to continue the identification test. Kirby-bauer diffusion test for determining antibiotic sensitivity and confirmation of ESBL producing E. coli using the double disc syn-ergy test (DDST). Molecular detection of TEM and CTX-M genes was carried out using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Based on morphological culture characteristics, Gram staining, and biochemical testing, the sample analysis results revealed that 32 samples (32%) of the 100 samples that were isolated were confirmed to be positive for E. coli. 10 from 32 E. coli isolates (31.25%) were confirmed to be multidrug resistance (MDR) because they were resistant to 3 to 4 antibiotic classes. Two out of ten E. coli isolates reported to be multidrug resistant were discovered to have positive DDST test findings after the ESBL identification of those isolates. Based on molecular examination, one isolate of E. coli was found containing TEM and CTX-M genes. Giving antibiotics to ducks must be considered in the dose or level so as not to cause antibiotic residues in the digestive tract of ducks. More farmer awareness of and public concern for the safety of food of animal origin is required, as is the use of antibiotics in poultry under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1600-1608
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Advanced Veterinary Research
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Duck
  • E. coli
  • ESBL
  • Public health
  • Small intestine


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