Description of Values in Nursepreneurship Services in the East-North Kalimantan Region of Indonesia: Cross-Sectional Study

Indah Nursanti, Yuni Sufyanti Arief, Rizki Fitryasari, Made Mahaguna Putra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Nursepreneurship support with modern nursing services. Through expanding access and independent nursing practice models that pay attention to value (product quality, financial value, emotional value, social value) is important in realizing optimal care services with relevant capabilities. This study aims to provide an overview of the value that includes product quality, financial value, emotional value, social value that exists in nursepreneurship services in the East-North Kalimantan region. Method: Cross sectional with 32 nurses as respondents, using closed questionnaire instruments and descriptive analysis to see the description of the variables studied. Result: 32 nursepreneurs in the East-north Kalimantan region filled the value questionnaire. Questionnaire answers describe product quality with 3 indicators: quality (mean: 37.9, SD: 2.4), quality standards (mean: 37.87, SD; 3.36), consistent (mean; 18.56, SD; 2.5), financial value with 3 indicators: economy (mean; 18.56, SD; 2.5), effectiveness (mean; 11.00, SD; 1.13), efficiency (mean; 14.7, 1.81). Emotional value with 4 indicators; motivation (mean; 31.18, SD; 1.42), interest (mean; 29.75, SD; 2.01), customer response (mean 64.31, SD; 3.13), service experience (mean; 19.68, SD; 0.89). Social value with 3 indicators; solution (mean 25.5, SD; 1.52), perception (mean; 52.87, SD; 7.05), recognition (mean; 25.43, SD; 1.26). Conclusion: Nursepreneurship is expected to pay attention to value in services with new knowledge. Created through a sustainable directed system to support the optimization of nursing services. Mastery of knowledge management competencies in nursepreneurship services that are an element in every nursing care action with optimal nursing services and measurable value.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S33-S38
JournalJournal of Health Research
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Private practice


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