Demographic and economic correlates of health security in West Sumatra province - Indonesia

Ninuk Hariyani, Dessi Febriyanti, Marpaleni, Judith Wigati Darmastuti, Suha Mudhish Abduljalil Ahmed, Kaushik Sengupta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Objectives: Access to health insurances could indicate the degree of health security among communities. Indonesia made a commitment to attain universal health insurance coverage by the end of 2019. However, until today it has not reached the goal of 100% coverage. Therefore, there is a need to portray the demographic and economic correlates of health insurance coverage in an area to improve health security achievement. Methods: This secondary analysis was based on the 2017 Indonesian national socio-economic survey conducted in the West Sumatra province. Multivariable models using logistic regression were used to estimate the odds ratios (OR) for being uninsured. Results: The results showed that health security, in terms of insurance coverage, was influenced by demographic and economic factors. Young and middle-aged individuals were more likely to be uninsured than older ones (OR = 1.49 and OR = 1.21, respectively). People from a lower educated family, or with lower consumption per capita have higher risk of being uninsured (OR = 3.00 and OR = 1.26, respectively). Conclusion: Insurance coverage was influenced by demographic and economic factors. Policymakers should consider demographic and economic factors related to the implementation of universal health coverage. Campaign about the importance of universal health coverage should reach all citizens.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere21142
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023


  • Demographic
  • Health security
  • Indonesia
  • Socioeconomic
  • Universal health insurance


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