Defining an International Standard Set of Outcome Measures for Patients With Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis: Consensus of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Working Group

Ola Rolfson, Stephanie Wissig, Lisa van Maasakkers, Caleb Stowell, Ilana Ackerman, David Ayers, Thomas Barber, Thami Benzakour, Kevin Bozic, Nicolaas Budhiparama, James Caillouette, Philip G. Conaghan, Leif Dahlberg, Jennifer Dunn, John Grady-Benson, Said A. Ibrahim, Sally Lewis, Henrik Malchau, Mojieb Manzary, Lyn MarchNader Nassif, Rob Nelissen, Noel Smith, Patricia D. Franklin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

113 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To define a minimum Standard Set of outcome measures and case-mix factors for monitoring, comparing, and improving health care for patients with clinically diagnosed hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA), with a focus on defining the outcomes that matter most to patients. Methods: An international working group of patients, arthroplasty register experts, orthopedic surgeons, primary care physicians, rheumatologists, and physiotherapists representing 10 countries was assembled to review existing literature and practices for assessing outcomes of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic OA therapies, including surgery. A series of 8 teleconferences, incorporating a modified Delphi process, were held to reach consensus. Results: The working group reached consensus on a concise set of outcome measures to evaluate patients’ joint pain, physical functioning, health-related quality of life, work status, mortality, reoperations, readmissions, and overall satisfaction with treatment result. To support analysis of these outcome measures, pertinent baseline characteristics and risk factor metrics were defined. Annual outcome measurement is recommended for all patients. Conclusion: We have defined a Standard Set of outcome measures for monitoring the care of people with clinically diagnosed hip or knee OA that is appropriate for use across all treatment and care settings. We believe this Standard Set provides meaningful, comparable, and easy to interpret measures ready to implement in clinics and/or registries globally. We view this set as an initial step that, when combined with cost data, will facilitate value-based health care improvements in the treatment of hip and knee OA.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1631-1639
Number of pages9
JournalArthritis Care and Research
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2016
Externally publishedYes


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