Cultural-psychological elements and achievement of minimum service standards in islamic hospital surabaya

Riska Indriani, N. K. Putri, B. Setianto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Patient satisfaction is an important indicator for the quality of health services. Inpatient satisfaction (72%-77%) and outpatient (75%%-57%) and net death rate (0-85%) in the Islamic Hospital Surabaya from 2015-2017 has not fulfilled the minimum service standards from the Health Minister Act No.129/2008. The observational study using a cross sectional design was deployed for this finding. A survey was conducted at 15 work units over a three month period, namely emergency, outpatient, inpatient, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy and special care. Objective: This study aims to identify the cultural-psychological element and examine the factors that influence the achievement of the minimum service standards. Method: a survey was conducted in 15 work units, distributed in the emergency department, outpatient, inpatient, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy and special care. 179 staff were involved as the source of information. Results: Only nine work units reached the minimum service standards category. The cultural-psychological element was categorized as the highest cause. Value and belief on the quality of service resulted to 73.3%, while expectations had a 53.3%. All the cultural-psychological elements of the values and beliefs have shown tosignificantly affect the quality of the services positively. Conclusion: This study recommends the preparation of the minimum service standards, specifically for certain units in order to assess the quality of service that can be measured properly.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)115-120
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Health and Translational Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Cultural-psychological elements
  • Health service quality
  • Minimum service standards


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