
The use of corticosteroids in cases of brain tumors has become common to reduce brain edema. However, the use can cause adrenal insufficiency (AI) if used long-term and in large doses and with rapid withdrawal. In cases of pituitary macroadenoma that has undergone surgery, AI may also occur. AI also affects the treatment of brain tumor patients. Hence, AI is an important problem in brain tumors because almost all patients with brain tumors receive corticosteroids at some point in the course of their disease. The management is similar to another AI with focus of hydrocortisone treatment. The adjustment of hydrocortisone dosage in patients whom undergo brain surgery is similar with another major surgery, whether the adjustment for pituitary adenoma patients whom undergo excision is more complicated and careful due to the high risk and incidence of AI in these patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-35
Number of pages5
JournalOpen Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Brain tumor
  • Corticosteroid


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