
The increasing number of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases in Jember Regency, Indonesia, in 2019 resulted in high mortalityThis study aimed to explain the relationship between dengue virus (DENV) serotype and dengue virus infection (DVI) severity and DENV serotype with shock and non-shock manifestations in DVI. This type of study is an experimental laboratory with a retrospective horizontal design. The study population included patients aged 1-65 years old with suspected DVI—the sampling technique used consecutive sums. The study sample consisted of DVI patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were willing to sign informed consent. The extraction made the serological diagnosis of DENV RNA. Serotype determination is performed by isolating virus cultures and checking for DENV serotype detection by RT-PCR in real-time. Data analysis was done using chi-square with STATA 14.0 application. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between the DENV serotypes and incidence and absence of shock in DVI. Still, there is no relationship between DENV serotypes and DVI severitySerotype DEN-2 (40%) induces shock manifestations on DVIConclusion: There was an association between DENV serotype and shock and non-shock manifestations in DVI, but no relationship between DENV serotype and severity of DVI. The government of Jember Regency has taken preventive and specific measures to prevent the area from experiencing increased morbidity and high mortality rates from DVI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1096-1110
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Research
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2025


  • dengue hemorrhagic fever
  • dengue shock syndrome
  • Dengue virus
  • serotype


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