
Introduction: The eruption of permanent teeth can be a reference for determining, measuring, and estimating the age and sex of a person which can help support Forensic Odontology in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and the body of the unknown and can be used as an estimate of age for children. To compare teeth eruption sequence between girls and boys to determine the accuracy of the average age, sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in children and the relationship to chronological age for the indicator of age determination. Methods: A total of 40 dental model study from patient aged 6-12 years in Airlangga Dental Hospital Surabaya were examined for the tooth eruption timing to identify elements of erupted permanent teeth. The results were obtained by calculating the sample size using a formula to obtain the average age of the eruption of permanent teeth in boys and girls. Furthermore, the results were compared. Results: In general, the maxillary and mandibular of girls erupted more rapidly than boys, with the first molars in all tooth regions being the first to erupt, and the second molars being the last to erupt. Conclusion: The results of the sequence of eruption patterns of permanent teeth can be used as a reference to determine the chronological age and sex of the child and further research is needed in large populations with ethnic and socio-economic variations to determine age differences. from the eruption of the tooth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-4
Number of pages4
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Age estimation
  • Chronological age
  • Dental age
  • Eruption sequence
  • Forensic
  • Human and health


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