Comparison of breastmilk production between vaginal delivery and caesarean section with regional Anesthesia at Lombok 22 Hospital, Surabaya City, Indonesia

Anggy Devyanti Prinska, Windhu Purnomo, Roedi Irawan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Breastfeeding is the one and only reliable nutritional source for baby. It is important that a mother ideally begins breastfeeding her newborn in the first hour after delivery. Actually, many factors could affect breastfeeding such as delivery type. The objective of this study was analyze and compare breast milk production between vaginal delivery and caesarean section with regional anaesthesia which has done Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF). The data used was primary data through filling questionnaires and interviews to subjects. This study was observational analytic with prospective cohort design. The population was all mothers who giving birth at Lombok 22 Hospital Surabaya and also has done EIBF. Sampling was simple random sampling and obtained 56 mothers into 2 groups. First group was 28 mothers who deliver by vaginal delivery. Second group was 28 mothers who deliver by caesarean section with regional anaesthesia. The result showed that there were a different breast milk production between vaginal delivery and caesarean section with regional anaesthesia (p<0.001). This study used postpartum pain as an intermediate variable. The result showed that there were a relationship between postpartum pain and breast milk production (p<0.001). Last, the result of multiple regression analysis showed that breast milk production was influenced by type of delivery (p=0.023; RR=8.047) and postpartum anxiety (p<0.001; RR=55.205).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1399-1403
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2019


  • Breast milk production
  • Caesarean section with regional anaesthesia
  • Postpartum anxiety
  • Postpartum pain


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