Comparison of biomechanical stability between tensionband wiringfixation and post-osteotomyolecranonchevronhook plate

Sumpada Priambudi, Erwin Ramawan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: The distal humerus fracture is a challenging type of fracture for Orthopedic & Traumatologic surgeons due to the complexity of articular anatomy, limited area of fixation, osteoporotic bone, and intraarticular comminution. The most popular field surgery technique is olecranon osteotomy and olecranon osteotomy Fixation, usually using Tension Band Wiring. However, a high level of complications raises the discourse to look for better implant alternatives. Objective: To compare the biomechanical stability between Tension Band Wiring and the post osteotomy Chevron olecranon Hook Plate Method: We divided the sample into two groups, each with 7 ulna bones. Chevron osteotomy was conducted on Olecranon, and then reduced, and fixed. Tension Band Wiring was installed using 2 Kirschner wire 1.6 which was paralleled and loop wire 1.0 which formed the number 8. Hook plate using 3.5, 7 hole GSM® plate. The screw lag was mounted on the proximal hole. The biomechanical test using the Shimadzu AG-10TE autograft engine, performed by 200 N recurring tugs. The shift between the two ostetomical fragments was measured using a digital thrust range after a 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x tension. Result: The 10x tensile test showed an insignificant difference (p = 0.091). When the recurring tensile test was continued, the results show significant differences after 20x (p = 0,007), 50x (p = 0.004), 100x (p = 0.001). The results showed that the olecranon osteotomy fragment shift after fixation with Hook Plate was less than that of the Wiring Tension Band. Conclusion: Biochemically Hook Plate is better than post-osteotomy Chevron olecranon Tension Band Wiring.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-313
Number of pages5
JournalMedico-Legal Update
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2020


  • Fraktur distal humerus
  • Hook Plate
  • Osteotomi Chevron olecranon
  • Stabilitas biomekanik
  • Tension Band Wiring


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