
The safety of treatment must be a concern, especially for people who decide to do self-medication. Irrational treatment affects unwanted effects. The purpose of this study was to analyze several treatment safety indicators to serve as the safety index of self-medication. This type of research is a survey using a cross sectional study design. Research location of Makassar city area with 4 regions, namely 1. North 2. East 3. South and 4. West. Research sites are pharmacies and drug stores. The number of pharmacy samples is 84 and 21 drug stores. Each pharmacy or store is taken 3 to 4 respondents. The sample size is 400 respondents. 306 for respondents who came to buy medicine at the pharmacy and 96 respondents who came to buy medicine at a drug store. The sampling technique is multistage random sampling. processing data using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The instrument used in this study is a structured quiz. The results of the study indicate that the use of drugs for the purpose of self-medication must refer to medication safety indicators to ensure that respondents are safe for the drugs used. Of the six treatment indicators, the score for the treatment safety index was obtained with 3 categories: Less (<1.64), Enough (1.64-<3.28), Safe (≥3.28). Based on the treatment safety index, it was found that respondents who did self-medication at pharmacies or drug stores to deal with pain complaints 281 (70.3%) were in the safe category.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)638-641
Number of pages4
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Self-medication
  • Treatment safety index


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