Classifying innovation in Indonesian public libraries

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Purpose: Public libraries have been making various efforts and innovations to adapt to changes. The purpose of this study is to analyze type of library innovation based on the innovation’s subject. Design/methodology/approach: The data was collected by identifying the information in regard to the innovation uploaded on the library website. A total of 548 public library websites have been identified, and 1,567 library innovations data have been collected. Findings: The innovations that have been made and carried out are divided into seven subject categories: inclusion-based innovation, information source innovation, innovation, cooperation, innovation in information services, innovation in library management, innovation with the use of technology. The consequences of innovation in public libraries include increased performance, community empowerment, increased accessibility of information, increased public literacy and external support. Research limitations/implications: This research only focuses on one type of library, namely, all public libraries in Indonesia. The findings of this study are based on library innovation data taken from the public library website, so that library innovations that are not uploaded to the website are not included in this study. Originality/value: The impact of the innovations that have been implemented is not only in improving the performance of the library but also the surrounding community. Public libraries must continue to innovate because of the amount that can be obtained for the progress of society, nation and state.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)454-469
Number of pages16
JournalDigital Library Perspectives
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2023


  • Community empowerment
  • Library performance
  • Literacy
  • Public library
  • Type of innovations


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