
Background: Leukemia occupies 40% of all malignancies in children. A child who is diagnosed with leukemia will undergo some procedure measures a long and painful. Nurses in nursing care in children with various disorders of the body system of planned activities to minimize the stress of hospitalization that occurs in children. Child Life Program is one of the interventions in nursing care in children to minimize the impact stress of hospitalization and optimize growth and development in children. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of Child Life Program through drawing play activities to decrease the stress of hospitalization in children suffering from Leukemia. Method: This study was a quasi-experiment. The study population was children who suffering from leukemia are treated in the pediatric ward Soetomo Hospital. Result: The result showed there is influence child life program through drawing play activity using “My Activities Book” on the response to the stress of hospitalization of children before and after the intervention with a p-value = 0.001. Conclusion: Child life program through drawing play activity using “My Activities Book” can affect the stress response of hospitalization in children with leukemia. Child life program through drawing play activity using “My Activities Book” can be an alternative therapy that can be used to minimize the stress of hospitalization in children with leukemia.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)454-458
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


  • Child life program
  • Hospitalization
  • Leukemia
  • Stress


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