Catalytic hydrocracking of fresh and waste frying oil over ni-and mo-based catalysts supported on sulfated silica for biogasoline production

Karna Wijaya, Asma Nadia, Arina Dinana, Amalia Febia Pratiwi, Alfrets Daniel Tikoalu, Arief Cahyo Wibowo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


The synthesis of a sulfated silica catalyst and its modification with Ni and/or Mo metal, along with its application for the hydrocracking of fresh and waste frying oil into biogasoline, were conducted. Synthesis of the catalysts was initiated with the sulfation of silica (SiO2 ) material by H2 SO4 using the sol-gel method. Ni and/or Mo metal were impregnated into the SO4 /SiO2 matrix with concentration variations of 1, 2, and 3 wt%. The sulfation process and promotion by Molybdenum (Mo) metal in the modified catalyst successfully increased the catalytic activity and selectivity. Among the catalysts investigated, Ni-SS2 exhibited the best performance for the hydrocracking reaction with waste frying oil. This catalyst was able to achieve a conversion of the liquid product of 71.47% and a selectivity of 58.73% for the gasoline fraction (C5-C12 ). NiMo-SS3 showed the highest percentage of activity and selectivity in the hydrocracking of fresh frying oil at 51.50 and 43.22 wt%, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1150
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Fresh frying oil
  • Hydrocracking
  • Mo
  • Ni
  • Sulfated silica
  • Waste frying oil


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