Building Integrity Through The Implementation of Achievement Credit System (SKP)

Koko Srimulyo, Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, Ferry Efendi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Building a culture of integrity has been a long concern in Airlangga University of Indonesia. In line with the goal of Airlangga University to be an excellent with morality, system has been developed to promote integrity. Achievement Credit System (SKP) is the instruments used by the student affairs directorate to acknowledge their achievement in soft skills activity which is expressed in Achievement Credit Point. Adherence to moral principle or having integrity is one of the soft skill attribute which is incorporated in this system. In this article we will present our case study of SKP’s implementation in shaping their integrity. An interview was undertaken to explore participant view on this system. Data analysis was conducted by organizing the data into common themes to look for an answer that give meaning to the case study. Alumni was randomly selected from graduates of various faculties at Airlangga University. Achievement Credit System can enrich the student to develop integrity when they graduate. Participant voiced SKP as an useful system which is facilitate them to develop their integrity. This system offer fexibility and various program, each of the program offers them with moral value. The students thought SKP as media to train them to live together, mutual respect, cooperation, honesty and behave ethically. This system embedded in the graduation requirement as a compulsory program to enhance the system effectiveness. Even though, judged as success system, more evidence needed to support the impact to the graduate. This system can be considered as one of tools to promote integrity through student events.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Role of Educators & Students in Building Integrity
PublisherTiri-Integrity Action
ISBN (Electronic)978-602-18666-4-1
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • integrity
  • achievement credit system
  • achievement credit point


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