
In veterinary medicine, the concept of disease is critical because it related to the survivability rate of the veterinary, especially livestock. Chicken was the most popular livestock that was observed in veterinary medicine. However, veterinary books were less popular compared to article and conference paper in global academic. This study's goal was to look how was the depiction of topic disease was used in veterinary textbooks that were related to the embryo of chicken as well as the trend of that topic. This study gathered 90 books meta-data donwloaded from Scopus website in form of CSV file. The data were analyzed using Vosviewer and biblioshiny of R Studio software to see the topic trend, citation, and number of book pages. Literature review also used to see the depiction of disease inside samples. Result showed that authors' keywords, heart and disease were closely related with a keyword chicken embryo. Moreover, each book get at least 10–11 citations globally. Moreover, repetitive keywords used in abstract of samples of this study were cells/cell, gene, and human. Those repetitive words were closely related to a word disease. It could be means that cell of the embryo of chicken also played the important role in determining its resistance against disease.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere17019
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • Conceptualization
  • Genetic diversity and farmed animals
  • Health and disease
  • Literacy skills
  • Veterinary


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