Bejan number and entropy generation analysis of unsteady MHD non-Newtonian micropolar squeezed trihybrid nanofluid flow

Humaira Sharif, Fatmawati, Danial Habib, Bagh Ali

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Microscopic particles have incredible thermal conductivity making them essential in nanotechnology, electronics, materials science and heat exchangers. For suitable optimization of thermic engineering structure, thermal transportation has to increased but minimized the entropy generation. One of the basic reasons for the developing interest in tri hybrid nanofluids is its unique ability to increase thermal characteristics, that is very useful in numerous heat exchangers. Three distinct nanosized particles, namely silver, gold and diamond are considered with water as a base liquid. A set of dimensionless ODE's are solved numerically by Bvp4c technique. The results of prominent parameters are elaborated and graphs are presented for velocity profile, entropy profile, Bejan and temperature profiles. Moreover, present result is compared with the literature and found a good agreement. It is observed that the Bejan number and entropy generation shows the opposite behavior for higher values of Casson and magnetic parameter. Further, it is noted that at the lower disk, squeezed Reynold number increases the skin friction coefficient and opposite trend noted against the upper disk. Temperature profile shows increasing trend for higher values of Eckert number. It is also noted that both velocities, temperature, entropy and Bejan number profiles for tri-hybrid nanofluid flow attains maximum values as compared to bi-hybrid and mono nanoparticles.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100703
JournalPartial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Bejan number
  • Entropy generation
  • Micropolar fluid
  • Non-Newtonian fluid
  • Squeezing flow
  • Trihybrid


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