Association of personal factors with increased risks of accidents in the workplace among health workers in nine Puskesmas in Kediri City, Indonesia

Ningsih D. Sumaningrum, Ririh Yudhastuti, Denny Y.W. Ardyanto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Public Health Center hereinafter referred to as the Puskesmas is a health service facility that organizes public health efforts and first-level individual health efforts by prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts in their work areas. If the results of the examination cannot be handled promotively and preventively, they will be referred to more complete health facilities such as hospitals. Standard action in Puskesmas is still high and often ignored, this is very dangerous if left unchecked it will have an impact on the safety and health of health workers, patients, and patients' families. The objective of this study is to analyze the correlation of personal factors with the unsafe actions of health workers in nine Puskesmas in Kediri City, Indonesia. The population for this study was health workers including nurses, midwives, laboratories, and cleaners, totaling 410. This study is analytical with a cross-sectional design, While statistical analysis consists of univariate, bivariate, and logistic regression. The results show a correlation between fatigue and unsafe actions of health workers Ignoring safety procedures, the knowledge of health workers, and unsafe actions of health workers Ignoring safety procedures, and not using personal protective equipment. There is a correlation between personal factors (knowledge, fatigue) and unsafe actions and strong correlation. The results of the analysis using logistic regression produced a significance value of 0.000, which means that there is an influence of the knowledge and fatigue variables on unsafe acts. It is recommended that a safety talk in the mornings on a regular basis would increase health vigilance at work.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)184-190
Number of pages7
JournalAfrican journal of reproductive health
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2024


  • health worker
  • Puskesmas
  • Unsafe action


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