Assessment potential of families increasing ability to care for schizophrenia post restrain at east java, indonesia

Muhammad Suhron, Ah Yusuf, Rika Subarniati

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


After the life of the schizophrenia, post-Restrain is a person who has been free from restraining, but the burden on the client family schizophrenia post-Restrain has not been said to end the role in family factors and local cultural values. The Aim of this research is to Assessment Potential of Families increasing ability to care for schizophrenia post-restraint. This study was an observational study with cross-sectional approach. Exogenous variables are the cultural value and the potential of the family, the endogenous variable is the ability to care for schizophrenia post-restraint. The population was 157 families, the study sample using cluster sampling method, using a questionnaire study. The analysis used is descriptive analysis and structural testing of the model with Structural Equation Model AMOS. The result of this study Potential families increased the ability to care for schizophrenia post-restraint, family and cultural values do not increase the family’s ability to care for schizophrenia post-restraint directly but must go through a potential family. The influence of a strong family culture values indirectly affects the family’s ability to care for schizophrenia post restraint. Cultural values and the potential for family care for schizophrenia post-restrain families increased. Cultural values can increase the potential of the family thus increasing the family’s ability to care for schizophrenia post restraint.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)369-374
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018


  • Caring
  • Potential Family
  • Restrain
  • SEM
  • Schizophrenia


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