Analyze of utilization of occupational health unit to control occupational disease among informal workers in Medokan Ayu

Shofiyatur Rohmah, Indriati Paskarini, Ernawaty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Puskesmas (Indonesian: Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, English: Primary Health care) Medokan Ayu is appointed by the government health centers to be the industrial health care in Surabaya. OHU (English: Occupational Health Unit, Indonesian: Unit Kesehatan Kerja) is a form of health efforts come from, and to the people who provide basic health services (primary health care) for the working people, particularly informal workers. This study aim to analyze the utilization of the OHU to control of occupational diseases among informal workers in Medokan Ayu. This study was a qualitative research with type of research was case study design. Sample research were all of informal workers (home industry workers) who visited the post OHU. The data collection were conducted by interviews and observations. Interview was conducted to determine the characteristics of workers and the utilitzation of OHU. Observation was conducted to determine the environmental factors that can cause acute respiratory infections in the workplace. The result showed that the utilization of OHU are still lacking possibly cause of some factors such as limited of implementation program (OHU only held twice a month) and limited number of health workers. The disease mostly occurred of informal workers were respiratory diseases caused by environmental factors such as indoor air pollution, lack of ventilation, density residential houses, and lack of lighting. OHU as a healthcare for informal workers can’t handle all of occupational disease. Therefore, OHU can provide referral effort to Puskesmas to hold an environmental health program to handle the occupational disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-40
Number of pages3
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Informal workers
  • Occupational disease
  • Occupational health unit
  • Utilization


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