Analysis of the influence of environmental factors on mangrove distribution: a case study in Mangunharjo

Muhammad Musa, Afif O. Daryanto, Sulastri Arsad, Nur Aliya N. Zsalzsabil, Luthfiana A. Sari, Sutianto P. Suherman, Nanik R. Buwono

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study aimed to analyse the impact of physico-chemical factors in the environment on the distribution of mangroves in the Mangunharjo area. The purposive sampling method determined the sampling locations, and samples of mangrove vegetation were acquired using a quadrant transect method. Statistical data analysis employed a multiple linear regression test. The results revealed a correlation value of 0.960 between environmental physico-chemical factors and mangrove distribution, signifying a relatively strong correlation. Physico-chemical factors such as nitrate, phosphate, as well as dust and clay fractions significantly influenced mangrove distribution, collectively explaining 92.1% of the observed patterns, with the remaining variance attributed to other factors. Nitrate levels ranged from 1.83 to 3.05 mg kg-1, while phosphate levels ranged from 16.89 to 29.96 mg kg-1. Sandy loam texture dominated the Mangunharjo village area in terms of the sand fraction. The availability of nutrients and substrate is expected to impact the mangrove structure in the Mangunharjo village.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3112-3122
Number of pages11
JournalAACL Bioflux
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • mangrove distribution
  • nutrient
  • substrate
  • vegetation composition and structure


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