Analysis of homology and phylogenetic genes encoding fusion (F) protein of newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolated swan (cygnus olor)

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This study were conducted to analyze the homology and the relation of nucleotidesencoding partial genomic sequence of Fusion (F) protein Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) isolated from swanusing phylogenetic tree. Samples were collected from cloacal swabs of seventy one waterfowls. Consisting of twenty four Domestic swan, thirty three Muscovy ducks, and fourteen Domestic ducks form waterfowl in East Java Province, and also positive LaSota isolate (ATCC). Samples were isolated in embryonated chicken eggs(ECEs) with specific pathogen free (SPF)and identified by HA test and confirmed as NDV by HI test. Positive samples were performed by RT-PCR using a forward and reverse primer with a target of 699 bp.The nucleotide sequences from field isolates were compared with the gene of vaccine viruses isolates encoded F protein NDV that used in Indonesia and vaccine viruses encoded F protein NDV that spread across the globe obtained at GenBank data and had very close phylogenetic relation with those vaccine viruses LaSota.Analysis of homology and phylogenetic from isolates in this study relate to isolate of vaccine viruses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1895-1899
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2019


  • F protein
  • Homology
  • Newcastle disease virus
  • Phylogenetic tree
  • RT-PCR


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