Analysis of CT Value, Levels of C-Reactive Protein, and Procalcitonin as Inflammatory Markers in COVID-19 patients with and without Comorbidities at the Rumah Sakit KhususInfeksi (RSKI) Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

Retno Budiarti, Ediono, Muhammad Miftahussurur, Muhammad Abdulloh Machin, Wiwin Is Effendi, Mochammad Wijdan Rosyich

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Detection of SARS CoV19 with RT-PCR on nasopharyngeal swab specimens became the gold standard and the Ct value as the result was described the amount of viral RNA. It is used to assess the severity and management of patients. C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin are markers of inflammation. We aimed to analyze the relationship between Ct values, CRP, and procalcitonin with the progression of COVID-19 infection in patients with comorbidities and without comorbidities. Methods: We included 561 COVID-19 patients’ data obtained from medical records at RSKI UNAIR within a 5-monthperiod (June-November 2021). The statistical analysis of each parameter was observed between the two groups (with and without comorbidities). Results: There are significant differences in CT PCR, procalcitonin, and CRP values in patients with comorbid hypertension. There was no significant difference in CT PCR values, procalcitonin levels, and CRP in patients with comorbid asthma. There was no significant difference in CT PCR values in the group with comorbid DM, but the procalcitonin and CRP values obtained significant differences. Conclusion: Patients with comorbid hypertension and diabetes mellitus can experience more severe COVID-19 infections.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3389-3393
Number of pages5
JournalResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Comorbid
  • Inflammatory marker
  • Viral load (RNA)


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