Alternative bioenergy through the utilization of Kappaphycus alvarezii waste as a substitution of substrate for biogas products

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Biogas is one of the renewable energy resources which are able to be developed by providing some sufficient renewable substances and manufactured from the fermentation process of organic substances metabolized by anaerobic bacteria. In this research, Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed waste from carrageenan processing and contents of rumen were used. This research aims to comprehend the carrageenan processing waste of macroalga K. alvarezii can be used as alternative source generating biogas. The research method is P0 (100 % of the contents of rumen), P1 (75 % of the contents of rumen and 25 % of seaweed waste), P2 (50 % of the contents of rumen and 50 % of seaweed waste), and P3 (25 % of the contents of rumen and 75 % of seaweed waste), and P4 (100 % of seaweed waste). The result showed that according to the quality determination of biogas based on SNI (Indonesia National Standard) 8019:2014, the K. alvarezii seaweed waste from carrageenan processing can be utilized as the alternative source of manufacturing biogas and got the methane gas resulted from the comparison method is P2 (50 % of the contents of rumen and 50 % of seaweed waste), with value of 58.61 %.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012057
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2018
Event7th ASEAN-FEN International Fisheries Symposium, IFS 2017 - Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 7 Nov 20179 Nov 2017


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