
The purpose of this research is to detect Acanthocephala worm in cavity body of frog (Fejervarya cancivora) in Surabaya. Frog is one of food source with high protein and nutrition. Despite being one of the main exporter of frog’s leg, there is still a few studies that have been done about posible zoonotic trait from frogs which consume by human in Indonesia. One of the possible disease that could infect frog and transmitted to human is acanthocephaliasis, infection from worm from the phylum Acanthocephala. In Acanthocephala life cycle, frog could act as definitive, paratenic, or intermediate host, which makes it interesting as frog life involve metamorphosis. Frog that was used as sample were 50 frogs. The research method used was survey cross-sectional study. Based on the result of this research, 28 frogs were infected by Acanthocephala in the body cavity.of the frog with total prevalence value of 56%.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S252-S254
JournalEcology, Environment and Conservation
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Acanthocephala
  • Cavity body
  • Fejervarya cancrivora
  • Surabaya


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