A rare case of angiofibroma mimicking fibrous epulis in posterior gingival mucosa

Annete Nabila, Ni Putu Mira Sumarta, Okky Prasetio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Angiofibromas are highly vascular, locally aggressive but histologically benign tumors. A 40-year-old woman complaint of pedunculated mass in the right gingiva of the posterior region since 7 months earlier. Surgical excisional biopsy under general anesthesia was performed. Histopathological examination showed an angiofibroma. Angiofibromas are localized in the superficial soft tissue and the gingiva could have a similar clinical appearance as an epulis. Definitive diagnosis was determined through histopathological analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)823-826
Number of pages4
JournalActa Medica Philippina
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • Angiofibroma
  • Fibrous Epulis
  • Gingival Angiofibroma
  • Gingival Mucosa


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