Yanuardi Raharjo
- Analytical Method, Separation and Environmental Technology Researc Group (Separation Science and Technology, Development Method of Analysis, Chemosensor and Biosensor, Environmental Technology, Green Chemistry)
- Membrane Science & Technology Research Group
- Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Faculty of Science and Technology
Person: Academic
Muji Harsini
- Analytical Method, Separation and Environmental Technology Researc Group (Separation Science and Technology, Development Method of Analysis, Chemosensor and Biosensor, Environmental Technology, Green Chemistry)
- Environmental Technology
- Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Faculty of Science and Technology
Person: Academic
Miratul Khasanah
- Analytical Method, Separation and Environmental Technology Researc Group (Separation Science and Technology, Development Method of Analysis, Chemosensor and Biosensor, Environmental Technology, Green Chemistry)
- Biophysics and Medical Physics
- Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Faculty of Science and Technology
Person: Academic
A. H. Zaidan
- Universitas Airlangga
- Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia
External person
- Universitas Airlangga
- Asia University Taiwan
- Stem Cell Research and Development Center
External person
Eviomitta Rizki Amanda
- Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan
- STIKES Rumah Sakit Anwar Medika
- STIKES Rumah Sakit Anwar Medika
External person
Dheasy Herawati
- Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif
- Faculty of Health Science
- Maarif Hasyim Latif University
- Universitas Airlangga
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif
External person