Muhammad Farid Dimjati Lusno
- Household Environmental Health Management
- Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction
- Disaster Management
- Manajemen Kesehatan Lingkungan Rumah Tangga
- Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Herb
- Department of Environmental Health
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health
Person: Academic
Diansanto Prayoga
- Faculty of Health Science, Medicine, and Life Science
- Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction
- Center For Health And Nutrition Education, Conseling, And Empowerment (ChENECE)
- Center for Patient Safety Research
- Inovasi Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi Kesehatan
- Public Health
Person: Academic
Zida Husnina
- Household Environmental Health Management
- Center For Health And Nutrition Education, Conseling, And Empowerment (ChENECE)
- Manajemen Kesehatan Lingkungan Rumah Tangga
- Maternal & Child Nutrition
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- The Airlangga Centre for Health Policy (ACeHAP)
- Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Herb
- Department of Environmental Health
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health
Person: Academic
Ratna Dwi Wulandari
- Expanded Programme on Immunization Research Group
- Health Information System Research Group
- The Airlangga Centre for Health Policy (ACeHAP)
- Department of Health Administration and Policy
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health
Person: Academic
Wihasto Suryaningtyas
- Medical Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
- Pediatric Kidney Research Group
- BioCliN Research Group (Biomaterial in Clinical Neurosurgical Practice)
- Glioblastoma Multiforme in Clinical Neurosurgical
- Neurotrauma Intracranial Lesion
- Stem Cell in Neurosurgery
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Faculty of Medicine
- Neurosurgery
Person: Academic
Anggi Setyowati
- Universitas Airlangga
- Taipei Medical University
- Universitas Cahaya Bangsa
- Lambung Mangkurat University
External person
Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho
- Ministry of Health, Indonesia
- Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
- University of North Texas
External person
Agung Dwi Laksono
- Ministry of Health, Indonesia
- Universitas Airlangga
- Indonesian Agency for Health Research and Development of the Ministry of Health
- Persakmi Institute
- The Airlangga Centre of Health Policy
- The National Agency for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Indonesia
- National Research and Innovation Agency
- National Research and Innovation Agency
- National Research and Innovation Agency
- Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
- Research Organization for Public Health and Nutrition
- The Airlangga Center for Health Policy Research Group
External person
Nining Dwi Suti Ismawati
- Dr. Soetomo General Hospital
- Universitas Airlangga
- Universitas Airlangga - Dr Soetomo General Academic Hospital
External person
Syamsul Firdaus
- Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin
- Ministry of Health Polytechnic Banjarmasin
External person
Yudied Agung Mirasa
- Universitas Kadiri
- Technical Centre for Environmental Health and Disease Control
- Regional Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control of Surabaya
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (BBTKLPP)
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia
- Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Lingkungan
External person