6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Santi Martini with the persons below:
Arief Hargono
- Research Center in Advancing Community Healthcare
- Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction
- Disaster Management
- Expanded Programme on Immunization Research Group
- Health Information System Research Group
- Keperawatan Komunitas, Keluarga dan Gerontik
- Tobacco Control
- Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Herb
- Department of Epidemiology, Population Biostatistics and Health Promotion
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health
Person: Academic
Kurnia Dwi Artanti
- Disaster Management
- Expanded Programme on Immunization Research Group
- Health Information System Research Group
- Tobacco Control
- Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Herb
- Department of Epidemiology, Population Biostatistics and Health Promotion
- Epidemiology
- Faculty of Public Health
Person: Academic