Fedik Abdul Rantam
- BioCliN Research Group (Biomaterial in Clinical Neurosurgical Practice)
- Glioblastoma Multiforme in Clinical Neurosurgical
- Stem Cell in Neurosurgery
- Clinical Uroginecology Practice
- Microbiology Veteriner
- Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
- Department of Veterinary Science
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Education
Person: Academic
A. Retno Pudji Rahayu
- Clinical Practice & Evidence-Based Dentistry Research Group
- Dental Regenerative Research Group
- Dental Materials & Biomaterials
- Oral & Salivary Cancer Biology
- Pusat Kajian Riset dan Kajian Imunologi
- Dentistry
- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- Faculty of Dentistry
Person: Academic
Imam Susilo
- Anatomical Pathology
- Antimicrobial Resources Alternative Studies for Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease
- Applied Anatomy and Neurochemistry
- Mental Health Nursing Integrated in Hospital and Community
- Patologi Anatomi
- Quality of Care
- Department of Anatomical Pathology
- Faculty of Medicine
Person: Academic
Amaq Fadholly
- Universitas Airlangga
- Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
- Generasi Biologi Indonesia (Genbinesia) Foundation
- Institut Pertanian Bogor
- National Research and Innovation Agency
External person
Belindo Wirabuana
- Universitas Airlangga
- Universitas Airlangga - Dr Soetomo General Academic Hospital
External person
Arif N.M. Ansori
- Professor Nidom Foundation
- Generasi Biologi Indonesia (Genbinesia) Foundation
- Universitas Airlangga
- Nidom Foundation
- Generasi Biologi Indonesia Foundation
- Coronavirus and Vaccine Formulation Research Group
- PT. Riset AIRC Indonesia
- Uttaranchal University
- CV Jalan Tengah
- European Virus Bioinformatics Center
- The Indonesian Society for Bioinformatics and Biodiversity (MABBI)
- Division of Research and Development
- Jalan Tengah
- Division of Research and Development
- Jalan Tengah
- Nidom Foundation
- Virtual Research Center for Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
External person