6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Abdulloh Machin with the persons below:
Imam Susilo
- Anatomical Pathology
- Antimicrobial Resources Alternative Studies for Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease
- Applied Anatomy and Neurochemistry
- Mental Health Nursing Integrated in Hospital and Community
- Patologi Anatomi
- Quality of Care
- Department of Anatomical Pathology
- Faculty of Medicine
Person: Academic
Imam Subadi
- Pain and Neurology Research Group
- Perlebahan dan Bahan Alam
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Stroke dan Neurodegenerative Study Group
- Therapeutic Exercise For Degenerative & Metabolic Disease
- Department of IKF And Rehabilitation
- Faculty of Medicine
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Person: Academic