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Mochammad Amin Alamsjah
- Environmental and Fisheries Resources Management
- Post-harvest, Fish Processing and Fisheries Bio-products
- Fisheries Bioproduct, Biomaterial and Processing
- Inovasi Produk Berbasis Rumput Laut
- Pulmonologi
- Biotechnology and Fisheries
- Department of Marine
- Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
Person: Academic
Retna Apsari
- Advanced Manufacturing and Computational Approach
- Data-Driven Decision Support System
- Digital Health, Computational Learning and Intelligent Systems
- Environment and Food Technology
- Human Factor and System Engineering
- Intelligent Power and Control Engineering
- Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technology
- Robotics and Mechatronics
- Photonics Research Group
- Statistical Modelling in Life Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Physics
Person: Academic
Afaf Baktir
- Biofilm Polimikroba dan Resistensi Antibiotika
- Riset Group Rekayasa Biokimia (Research Group of Biochemical Engineering) : Enzyme Technology, Genomic and Proteomic Analysis, Bioinformatics, Bioprocess Technology
- Tropical Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Herb
- Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Faculty of Science and Technology
Person: Academic
Aji Akbar Firdaus
- Digital Marketing, Leasure, and Creative Industry Research Group
- Energi Riset @ Universitas Airlangga (Er@Unair)
- Intelligent Wearable Technologies Group
- Machine Learning in Applied Science
- Online Tour Guide Agency (OTGA) Berbasis On-Demand Platform
- Sustainable Rural Tourism
- Department of Engineering
- Faculty of Vocational Studies
- Instrumentation System Automation
Person: Academic
Nurul Fitriyah
- Biophysics and Medical Physics
- Healthy School
- Maternal & Child Nutrition
- Population and Sustainable Development
- Research Group for Health and Wellbeing of Women and Children
- Department of Epidemiology, Population Biostatistics and Health Promotion
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public Health
Person: Academic