Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 53 results
Search results
Boardroom Leadership and Climate Scenario Analysis: Exploring the Roles of CSR Committees & CEO Busyness
Harymawan, I. (PI), Nasih, M. (PI), Nowland, J. (PI) & Setiawan, D. (CoPI)
21/02/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
From Boardroom to Biosphere: An ASEAN Firms Analysis of CEO Global Exposure, Sustainability Committee, and Firm Biodiversity Disclosure
Harymawan, I. (PI), Suhardianto, N. (CoPI), Rhee, J. H. (CoPI) & Haider, I. (CoPI)
4/01/24 → 30/05/25
Project: Research
Corporate Governance: Millitary Connected Firms on Audit Fee and Investment Efficiency
Harymawan, I. (PI), Nasih, M. (CoPI), Taylor, G. (CoI), Nowland, J. (CoI) & Ridha Paramayuda, A. A. (CoPI)
6/02/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Not started
Does a Firm with Better ESG Performance Have Better ESG Disclosure?
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Strategi Bisnis pada Implementasi Creative Accounting di Indonesia
Harymawan, I. (CoPI)
Project: Research
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Research in Top Tier Journal
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Do Companies Invest More Efficiently when the Company has an Insider CEO?
Harymawan, I. (CoPI)
Project: Research
Corporate Governance: Militarily connected firms on audit fee and investment
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Disclosure & Readability Level in Financial Report: Evidence from Indonesia
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Komite Manajemen Risiko, Komite Audit terhadap Tingkat Audit Fee
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Uncovering Family Firms: Managerial Short-Termism and Political Connections
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
CEO from reputable university: Ethics Disclosure and Investment Efficiency
Harymawan, I. (CoPI)
Project: Research
Uncovering Family Firms: Managerial Short-Termism and Political Connections
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
Uncovering Family Firms: Managerial Short-Termism and Political Connections
Harymawan, I. (PI)
Project: Research
STEM-Educated Leadership: The relationship of CEOs' Role in Financial Distress
Harymawan, I. (PI), Habiburrochman, H. (CoPI) & Prasetya, F. (CoPI)
Project: Research
President University's Career and University Performance: Evidence from The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, & Ranking System (STARS)
Harymawan, I. (PI) & Ulufiyah, R. (PI)
13/06/24 → 16/12/24
Project: Research
Business, Management, and Accounting Research Ranking
Harymawan, I. (PI), Nasih, M. (CoPI) & Kartana, I. W. (CoPI)
13/06/24 → 16/12/24
Project: Research
CSR Committee and Sustainability Report Quality
Harymawan, I. (PI)
21/06/23 → 10/12/23
Project: Research
Learning From Word-Class Sustainable Companies: An Analysis of Board Characteristics and ESG Disclosure
Harymawan, I. (PI)
12/05/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
How Does CEO Succession Origin Affect Firm's Cost of Debt
Harymawan, I. (PI)
8/02/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Women Empowerment in Agriculture
Syaikh Rohman, M. (CoI), Primanthi, M. R. (PI), Rumayya, R. (CoI) & Ajija, S. R. (CoI)
20/02/22 → 22/12/24
Project: Research